Winner of the competition for the Südtirol - Alto Adige stand at the EXPO Milano 2015
Designteam competition: Arch. Anton Pramstrahler, Arch. Anett Hegedüs, Stud. Arch. Maximilian Kompatscher
Detailed design and construction supervision: Arch. Simone Cordara
In collaboration with: helios
Designteam competition: Arch. Anton Pramstrahler, Arch. Anett Hegedüs, Stud. Arch. Maximilian Kompatscher
Detailed design and construction supervision: Arch. Simone Cordara
In collaboration with: helios
Year: | 2015 |
Typology: | public building |
ClimateHouse: | - |
Type of construction: | wood construction |

Südtirol shows itself to Expo Milano 2015 with wooden trunk, wood walls, bushes, flowers and a series of viewing platforms. The design contest’s winning project, signed by Architect Manuel Benedikter and Helios agency, was presented in Bolzano.
The Export Organisation Südtirol (Eos) had asked to artists, architects, designers and creative peoples to write and design their ideas to best present the project.
The presence in Expo 2015 was strongly desired and supported by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano. 45 responded to the call, the winning proposal was conceived by the architect Manuel Benedikter and Helios agency, under the motto “Live the Balance”, the project aims to give greatest possible visibility to the Südtirol .
To convince the jury was especially the idea of aiming high. Moving along one of the main access roads to Palazzo Italia, the central pavilion, the visitor will be attracted by the wooden trunks, the platforms and the pavilion’s vertical direction. Those who decide to experience the thrill of getting on a viewing platform, the highest of which is 13 meters high, have to go through the pavilion browsing the proposed supply.
The Export Organisation Südtirol (Eos) had asked to artists, architects, designers and creative peoples to write and design their ideas to best present the project.
The presence in Expo 2015 was strongly desired and supported by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano. 45 responded to the call, the winning proposal was conceived by the architect Manuel Benedikter and Helios agency, under the motto “Live the Balance”, the project aims to give greatest possible visibility to the Südtirol .
To convince the jury was especially the idea of aiming high. Moving along one of the main access roads to Palazzo Italia, the central pavilion, the visitor will be attracted by the wooden trunks, the platforms and the pavilion’s vertical direction. Those who decide to experience the thrill of getting on a viewing platform, the highest of which is 13 meters high, have to go through the pavilion browsing the proposed supply.
Press & Media
Architektur Exklusiv Lifestyle 1 - Südtiroler Pavillon Expo Milano 2015 (DE)
Inaugurazione Expo 2015 - Lo stand Alto Adige (IT)
Eröffnung der Expo 2015 - Der Südtirol Stand (DE)
Presentazione del progetto per lo Stand Alto Adige ad EXPO Milano 2015 (IT)
Architekt Manuel Benedikter erklaert Expo Stand (DE)
Presentazione progetto vincitore concorso di idee per lo stand Alto Adige a EXPO Milano 2015 (IT)
Südtirol Stand Expo 2015 (DE)
Expo 2015, ecco il progetto vincitore per lo stand Alto Adige (IT)
Un pezzo di Alto Adige all’EXPO 2015 (IT)
So sieht der Südtiroler Expo-Stand aus (DE)
Südtiroler EXPO-Stand in Mailand (DE)
Anche gli altoatesini all'Expo 2015 di Milano (IT)
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